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For show horse enthusiasts who want an organisation dedicated to horse showing…

When agriculture, industry and society relied on workhorses, the showing of horses provided a means for breeders and owners to promote their breed stock and demonstrate the quality of their horses’ breeding and handling ability.
Over the years, as the use of horses as work animals declined, horse showing developed as a pleasurable pursuit where enjoyment of the horse could be shared in a competitive and social environment.

The SHCV was established in 2002 by show horse enthusiasts and has two main aims,

  • to provide increased opportunities for new and experienced show horse competitors 
  • to offer quality training and development opportunities for young and inexperienced horses and riders

We aim to conduct competitor-friendly events that utilise the services of local and interstate judges catering for all levels of horse/rider combinations.

The Show Horse Council of Victoria is held in the highest regard for our competent staging of user-friendly events for Victoria’s horse showing community. We continue to work hard to develop innovative and inclusive classes such as Debutante and Child’s classes as well as conducting annual social and entertainment events.
We know that showing can offer a lifelong experience as a rider or  an owner or breeder, or  a judge or steward, or a show organiser, or even just as an enthusiastic spectator. We conduct seminars and instruction days, we provide training and registration of judges and other officials and we foster involvement of young riders in show organisations so that the status of horse showing can be enhanced and continue to grow. To help maximise involvement, we have membership levels and a social component to cater for every person’s needs so that everybody can find a place to belong in our showing world.
And it’s not just people who find a place with us. Many individuals and businesses recognise the pivotal role that the SHCV plays in horse showing in Victoria and we are thrilled to have many valued sponsorship partners who support us so that we can continue to stage regular, popular events of a high calibre.
With our interest and involvement in showing in every part of Victoria and with our outstanding relationships and networking among and on behalf of our members, we happily accept the mantle of Victoria’s dedicated open horse showing body, providing structure, organisation and development of horse showing in Victoria.
Although open showing is the main sphere of operation of the Show Horse Council of Victoria, we work closely with horse breed societies wherever possible in order to enhance the competitive and social offering to our members.