SHCV Measuring fee is $15 per horse
Life Measurement fee $75 per horse
Measuring information MUST be read in conjunction with the SHCA Measuring Scheme and Rules (August 1993, December 2016 Edition) Updated May 2019
To obtain a measure card the horse must be registered with the SHCA and the owner/s must be current financial members of the SHCV. We hold measuring days throughout the year and at each Show conducted by the SHCV.
The measuring is administered by the Show Horse Council of Victoria and conducted in accordance with the Show Horse Council of Australasia rules. All horses registered with the SHCA are required to have a current SHC measurement. Measuring Days will be advised on our website.
Requirements at time of measurement
- Original Papers
- Filled out Application form for a Measuring Card
- Horse to be presented in a bridle and must have a bit in its mouth
- Handler must not be wearing open-toed shoes
- Horses holding a SHC Life Certificate of Height issued prior to 1st September 2012 shall retain their Life Certificate unless the horse is recalled for Remeasure under Rule 2.14 and Rule 22.1a).
- The horse is at least eight years of ageand in possession of a current SHC certificate of height and the next measurement places the horse in the same height division as the previous measure.
- The horse must have held THREE CONSECUTIVE ANNUAL MEASURES in the same height division been measured by TWO DIFFERENT SHC MEASURERS.
- The horse is not being measured under a RIGHT OF APPEAL (section20.0)or REMEASURE of the horse (section21.0)situation.
- SHC life certificate of height will be marked in blue
- A fee will be charged for a LIFE certificate determined by the SHCA from time to time.
- Horses 16.3 or over at any age may be issued with a life certificate on their first measure
Annual Certificate
The annual measurement is valid for twelve months from the date of measurement. The height is automatically invalid once a new measurement takes place.
A horse may be remeasured for an Annual Certificate a minimum of nine (9) calendar months after the date of the previous measurement. **
The horse shall be competing in the same class (height division) as stated on the Measure Card.
Provisional Heights are issued to all horses under the age of five (5) years and the certificate will be valid for six (6) months.
Remeasure Fee $500 inc GST (non-refundable), Default Payment $500 inc GST for any non-appearance at remeasure.